Friday 14 September 2012

Web developers playing God drives me mad

Throughout my career I have come across many web developers playing GOD with websites. It is not on and people should be aware...

When you have a website you need two things.  You need a domain ( the ).  And you need hosting which is where the files are stored.   You also have to pay for hosting (this space) each year.  The domain will have a control panel which you will have access too. Now when you use a hosting company you should be given the login details, these are known as the FTP details.  FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.  It is basically the access to the servers where your website is stored.  This is what you are paying hosting for so YOU should have access.  It is unheard of that you pay for this hosting space without being given access to it.

Now you might have used a web developer who offered to host the website for you.  Sounds great.. They build the site, upload the files and your site is live.  But what happens one day when you need to access the server?  Now a legitimate hosting company will already have given you access to the space YOU are paying for.  If you haven't been given these details its like buying a car and not getting the keys.

If your web developer is playing GOD with your website, you need to gain control on your site and let a company or someone who has your best interests at heart look after it.  You should always have access to your domain and website files.  This is what you have paid for.   I for one would never play GOD with a website.  I tell my clients the truth at all times. I have nothing to hide and believe in being ethical at all times.  This must be why I have never had to chase work.


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