Wednesday 15 September 2010

"TO BE OR NOT TO BE" that is the question!

So what is the answer? Only one person can answer that - YOU! We all want answers to our questions, that is why many turn to astrologers.

A good astrologer will never tell you what you should do. He may try to guide you, or drop some hints, but that is all. We all have different backgrounds and lives, and where a positive answer might be right for one person, it most certainly would not be for another. When we read our stars signs in magazines, they are always very general. What seems appropriate for a 16 year old girl, certainly would not apply to a 75 year old woman.

The only way to make it more personal is to have a private reading. A good astrologer has studied for years and years, and has probably practiced on friends long before offering his services to the public. He needs to know that his methods are 100% accurate, and has to be completely confident in what he is doing.

From the day we were born, we all have choices in life, and it is up to us to make the right choices. Sometimes this is very difficult, and quite often astrology can help. It cannot make the choice for you, but can guide you along the right path. How many times have you heard people say ".....I had no choice, I had to do it" Wrong, they did have a choice, they just chose the one they thought was the right one. Whether it was or not, without knowing all the circumstances, who can tell?

For centuries scholars been intrigued by the heavens, and the art of astrology dates back hundreds of years before Christ. Some people have let it rule their lives, while more sensible people use it to enhance their lives. No doubt you have noticed how a lot of "top celebrities" have their own astrologer, even members of royalty have been known to consult them They all have very busy lives, but still have the time and need for guidance.

By giving an astrologer all the vital details he needs, you can be sure that your chart will only apply to you, not everyone else born under the same sign, or even on the same day. It is important to choose the right astrologer, one who can offer credentials. If you do, who knows, you may be able to answer the "TO BE OR NOT TO BE " question.

For more Sparkling writing style and insights from the UK's most original and sincere Astrologer Patrick Arundell. Check out your Horoscopes today!

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