Friday 26 March 2010

Save Money Through Energy Efficient Central Heating

Energy efficiency is high on everybody's agenda today. The cost of energy bills are soaring, when this is also combined with the effects of the current economic crisis then the result can often be severe financial problems. If you are searching for ways to reduce your household's expenses then the best place to start would be with the central heating system. It is this that contributes the greatest amount to our annual utility bills.

The first tip may sound obvious but it is worth repeating. Turn your heating down! By lowering the thermostat's temperature by three or four degrees you can potentially save yourself hundreds of dollars a year. If you ensure that your home is adequately insulated then less heat will be lost through the walls and roof. Just because we have a heating system installed in our homes does not mean we should always have it set to the highest temperatures. There is nothing wrong with wearing a sweater indoors; this would not cost you any more cash!

Modern central heating systems and boilers are far more efficient than older models. Your local council may have a scheme in which they offer a grant for the cost of a new boiler and installation if you trade in your old inefficient model. The latest boiler designs can reduce energy consumption by more than fifty per cent.

Even if you are not eligible for financial assistance with the costs, trading in your old model is still an option worth exploring as in the long run there are financial savings to be had. Also, you should understand that by choosing an energy efficient system you will be reducing your carbon footprint. Why contribute to the problems of atmospheric pollution when today there are plenty of alternative green options?

If you have an old fashioned system of radiators in your rooms then these will occasionally need "bleeding". Air can enter the system which reduces the overall ability to transfer heat effectively around the home.

Modern home heating systems can make full use of the latest advances in technology to ensure that costs are kept down. For example they can be used to generate hot water at night when usually the cost of electricity is less. The digital controls allow for an ease of operation, you should have very little difficulty understand how to change the settings so that the heating will automatically switch itself on and off at specific times of the day.

When it comes to the actual energy source we have three main options: electricity, gas or oil. Which is best for your home will depend upon your location as well as the size of the space which is required to be heated.

If you want to have the most ecologically sound property in your neighborhood then how about switching a percentage of your energy requirements to an alternative source. If we continue to use fossil fuels for our energy requirements then in the future the warming of the planet will do away with the need for a heating system!

Northern Gas Heating - the UK's local supplier of new Gas Central Heating systems including Condensing boilers.

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