Tuesday 27 April 2010

Mr Cameron living in dark ages

I have just been listening to David Cameron and I am convinced to NOT vote for him. Not that I was ever thinking about it. He seems to be living in the dark ages and I am sure I would not benefit from them being in power.

I have been a single parent all my life but only since Labour came into power I have managed to get off benefit and into work, something I tried and couldn't do when the Conservatives were in. I managed to get a degree and now work for myself. I am happy to pay taxes and don't mind the fact that I am heading for the higher tax bracket.

Mr Cameron talked about marriage being a good instituition! What a load of crap. Marriage was invented when life expectancy was only 40 - no wonder divorce stats have gone up. We now live to 100 if we are lucky. Marriage is an old fashioned concept and needs to be brought in this era. I have nothing against marriage, if its what you want to do then good, but why should single people be penalised?

Wake up Cameron, you will never get into power!

Incidently I know a couple of conservative councellors and they only became one for the money they get - something stupid like 17K a year and they only have to turn up for one meeting a week.

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